Future of Cities project closes
Future of Cities project closes
The Future of Cities project has now concluded.
This blog is no longer being updated.
The Future of Cities project has now concluded.
This blog is no longer being updated.
"I can tell it’s a nice area because it’s the kind of place where you can see children cycling to school in the morning." This was the recent remark of a friend who had moved to the south coast.
I have spent 25 years studying cities, and culture; so it was an interesting, if daunting, task to be asked to write one of the working papers for the Foresight Future of Cities project.
One year ago the City Growth Commission set out with a simple, extremely ambitious goal, namely to think of specific recommendations that might boost the growth rate of the UK economy.
Does London’s growth occur at the expense of other UK cities, as it can sometimes seem when the capital’s economy surges ahead?
One important trend in the investigation into the future of cities is the rapidly evolving relationship between cities and business.
Although Reading is not yet officially a ‘city’ it forms part of one of the most economically vibrant and connected urban areas in the UK.
There is growing recognition that cities are where the action is. Cities are playing an increasingly important role in creating prosperity, cultural vibrancy, social cohesion and better quality of life. How cities are governed is a critical success factor.
On 18 September a group of international experts representing local and national governments, academia and the private sector met in London to discuss how the world is thinking about the future of cities.
As part of our evidence-gathering, the lead expert group and project team has engaged with a number of UK cities to hear directly from them about their views on the future.
I recently lived in India, where English is widely spoken. English is my own mother tongue and, when discussing something with Indians, I often presumed that, just because ‘we both spoke English’, we would understand each other.