Future of Cities project closes
Future of Cities project closes
The Future of Cities project has now concluded.
This blog is no longer being updated.
The Future of Cities project has now concluded.
This blog is no longer being updated.
As part of the Foresight Future of Cities project, a number of evidence papers have been written to provide an in depth analysis of some of the issues that UK cities will face in 2040 and 2065.
...whether these are coherent futures which could plausibly develop, and which of these are most likely to be realised. None of the city futures discussed is the ‘best’ or ‘ideal’...
Sir Alan Wilson and Corinne Swain, members of the Future of Cities lead expert group, recently travelled to Leeds, to discuss the project.
As part of the Foresight Future of Cities project, a number of evidence papers have been written to provide an in depth analysis of some of the key issues that UK cities will face in 2040 and 2065.
...the cities in the coming decades. We met with representatives from local businesses, government and universities and heard how new data techniques are allowing researchers to 'time travel' to forecast...
...in drawing and keeping people in the city, especially for the large number of skilled graduates that emerge from Birmingham’s varied universities and colleges. We heard that Birmingham seems to...
...enthusiasm of the students and staff, coupled with highly committed governors. I wish them all the best for the future and look forward to following their progress." Images courtesy of...
In this blog post, a member of the Project Team describes a visit that Sir Mark Walport recently made to the North East. 'Geordies will live here!' was the response...
In the first Future of Cities blog post the Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Mark Walport, explains what the project is about and what experts in Cambridge have to say about it.